Why is AI?

What are the physical things AI needs?

In essence, AI systems need everything a normal computer or server would need but a lot more of it.

AI needs massive amounts of computing power. This is typically done on GPUs. But CPUs can also be used. GPUs are used a lot. Because they can handle multiple jobs at once.

Large amounts of RAM., or memory are also required. The more RAM a computer has. The more memory that's accessible to the AI. So, the faster the AI can process.

AI needs huge amounts of storage too. Hard disk drives can be used for large parts of the data. SSDs would also be recommended for quicker access.

To avoid overheating AI needs a very efficient cooling system. This is typically done with a water-based cooling system.

If you want the AI To communicate with the outside world it would also need actuators and sensors. Things like cameras to take pictures and then analyze those pictures or microphones to pick up the audio.

Why does AI use so much electricity?

AI requires a massive amount of electricity. This is typically used in the data processing. In essence, every time you do a query to AI, The AI must access large amounts of data to determine what you are asking and how it needs to reply to you.

AI model training can also require non-stop computing for days, weeks, or even months.

AI systems are usually housed in data centers Which require a large amount of electricity to. The data center would need cooling, backup generators, and any number of other things to keep the data center running.

Why does AI need GPU?

GPUs or Graphics processing units are very good at managing the enormous processing demands of AI jobs. Unlike traditional CPUs, GPUs can handle multiple jobs in parallel, or at the same time.

GPUs are also very good At Matrix multiplications. Which makes the Tasks more effective. And requires less time and energy use.

There's also a range of software tools and frameworks Designed to work with GPUs to adjust their performance.

All in all, GPUs Are a great replacement for CPUs in the AI world.

Why does AI use water?

We don't typically think computing an AI requires water, But AI does require some water. Water is used a lot in cooling data centers. It works like your car cooling system.

Power plants also use quite a bit of water to create electricity, which AI requires.

There is also a concern about AI's water use. Due to the limited fresh water available in some locations. Particularly in California.

Why is AI controversial?

AI has been a hotly debated topic Since it's become mainstream. First, AI-powered automation may result in job displacement/loss. Take for example drivers. There won't be a need for taxi drivers or truck drivers Once AI can drive the roads. Without human intervention.

Another large factor in job loss Will be in documentation, marketing, and research. A lot of companies and people require customers to access their websites and view and click on their ads. Want AI can answer people's questions without a person needing to go to another website, why would people continue to make websites and produce content?

Another problem with AI can be caused by discrimination and bias. Imagine if I trained AI On a pro-Nazi website. The AI would then believe the nonsense Nazis believed about Jews and other minorities.

Another Controversial fact about AI Is the ethical Dilemma. For example, let's say AI is driving your car. Out of nowhere a pedestrian steps in front of the car. The AI will have two choices, hit the pedestrian or swerve and drive the car down an embankment, killing any passengers. What should the AI do? Now, many people believe that the AI car should swerve and save the pedestrian. But those same people wouldn't buy an AI-driven car if they Knew the car would sacrifice themselves over others.

Why is AI developing so fast?

AI is growing quickly because of a number of factors.

People have created great algorithms to help machine learning become more powerful and efficient.

There are also large amounts of data available to train the AI on.

Thanks to enhancements in GPUs and other Computing parts. The power to manage and maintain AI. Is also becoming more available.

Thanks in large part due to AI being in the news There have also been large investments in research and technology to help AI.

Why is AI exploding right now?

AI seems to be everywhere right now and that's due to a number of factors. In my opinion, the largest factor in AI's Current growth is due to the news and media coverage of AI.

Thanks to the media coverage of AI, any company that states they're working on AI Is getting large amounts of investments from the stock market and private investors.

This large number of investments is continuing the Explosive growth of AI.

And around and around we go.

Why is AI good for society?

We hear a lot about the dangers of, AI But we don't hear a lot about how AI is good for society.

Currently, AI is being used in healthcare. It's helping diagnose diseases and create customized therapy regimens.

Since AI can process large amounts of data much faster than humans and can compose the data in easily digestible human form. AI is being used in Environmental Protection. In short, scientists are using large amounts of data Being evaluated by AI to forecast natural disasters and mitigate climate change.

AI also has the potential to improve productivity and free up Human Resources. If you think about it, all the costs of every product you buy are thanks to humans. If you were stranded on a desert island with an apple tree, you could pick those apples for 100% free. But buying an apple from a grocery store means a human has to pick the apple, wash the apple, bag the apple, transport the apple to the grocery store, Put the apple on display, and then finally help you pay. What if AI did all that for you?

Would the apple still cost the same amount? It shouldn't. In essence, if an apple doesn't take any human resources to get to you, why should there be any cost for the Apple?

AI is also being used heavily in education and will be in the future. Imagine every student walking into class, putting on headphones, and sitting in front of AI-generated lessons designed explicitly for them. Kids with low attention spans can have the content delivered in bite-sized pieces. At the same time visual learners can see the content, etc.

Why is AI good in education?

I already covered this a bit above, but we can expand on the topic in case you missed it I’ll repeat a bit of it here and then I’ll dive in deeper.

Imagine a personalized learning environment for every student. Every student will get the content and learn at their own pace in their preferred style.

Next, teachers can focus more on the students and less on administrative duties. For example, a teacher must write lesson plans, grade homework and tests, and schedule content. All of this can be done with AI.

AI can also rely more heavily on data-driven insights. It can analyze every student individually and create a custom learning plan for that student.

There are several other ways AI will improve education, but you get it.

Why is AI job displacement bad?

In my opinion, AI job displacement won’t be a bad thing. It may be for a little while, but humans can adapt and will survive. Let’s take an example with truck drivers. There are 3.54 million truck drivers in the U.S. All truck drivers will eventually be replaced by self-driving cars. But there are a couple of things to remember.

First, it won’t happen all at once. One year, a few thousand will be replaced. Then tens of thousands. Then a few more, then eventually all the drivers will be replaced. So, we won’t have 3.54 million people out of work in one year. It will happen slowly. But there’s a flip side.

Once truck drivers are replaced with AI the goods, they transport will be cheaper. And eventually, we’ll move to a universal basic income with everyone’s needs met without working. But there’s also something that will happen before that.

We’ll cut the hours people work. Right now, we work 40 hours a week. Once 5-10% of jobs are replaced by AI, we’ll move to a 32-hour work week. Then a 20-hour work week. Eventually, we won’t work at all. But that’s not all.

AI will also help truck drivers and others who are displaced find new work. They can simply ask, where their skills will be best used. Then they can find work that they’d be happy to do. Then AI can help train the person in the new job.

So, that’s my two senses on AI. Hope you found it useful. If you have any other questions or comments find me on social media. Thanks!